October 22, 2006

Pulttibois - Omituinen Höpöttäjä

Good old days when we have the two excellent hilarious comedians PPP and Aake Kalliala on TV..

October 15, 2006

To London and Back

The title of this blog is To London and Back. So that I would remember London and not forget some of the most important events that brought me here, I will take photos and log some of my thoughts here. I will most certainly miss my daily walks and cycling in South East London. The parks and walking routes are just beautiful, I love running through the ecological park and breathing the fresh air. The River Thames reminds me of that constant flow called life. It also has healing properties there and I could imagine sitting and watching the boats and the tide all day long if I was living in one of the riverside apartments.
I am returning to the desert, it was my home for six years after all.