July 31, 2008

Walk in the God's country

Early this morning I awoke at 3am, partly because something was worrying me, and partly because numerous night shifts messed up my schedule. It was still dark outside, slightly humid- and it felt so inviting, velvety darkness, soft, like chocolate mousse. I left the usual stuff, iPod, cellphone home- took a bottle of water and an open mind with me. How does the world wake up? The birds, sunrise, eerie stillness, no sounds, no sights, no smells- until it all awakens and the mystery of darkness reveals its secrets. One moment it was dark, next moment little less dark and I began to see the forms of variety of plants, flowers, palmtrees. The sky was opening, so blue, so vast, so open. Magic in the air. On my way back it was all clear, sun was rising, sky was light blue, birds were watching me. A man was walking four gorgeous golden retrievers, one woman was on her regular morning run. No cars, no noise- and I was glad I had left iPod home. There is already too much noise in this world.
It was truly a walk in the God's country; quiet, peaceful. My mind was less noisy and active too- it was a walking meditation for me. Not just a mindless exercise, not a boring chore. Breathwalk.

July 28, 2008

In Love

Few weeks ago I was still guessing could I possibly be in love.
No more guesses: I am in love. Falling in love, not exactly when one expects it, it just happens. But the feeling is great, like a walk in the clouds.

July 08, 2008

Off the grid

It is the time to take a break, take a vacation, disappear.. I'm off for a while, computer crashed, windows vista on strike, and I am about to say Adios windows and Ahlan Wasahlan Mac! New system, new rules, new learning process. Had enough of windows's bad behavior, frequent crashes, losing my files and photos and beign stranded at home without an internet access, that's the end of it. Nothing wrong with the computer itself, but the WINDOWS, aaarrrgggghhhhhhhh. Angry!!!
I am at the library, no access to the facebook, the company (wisely may I add) has blocked the access, well, this may be the break I need to quit facebook addiction, quit all of the addictions same time- why not, it wouldn't be so bad.

Any updates? Yes and no. Could I be in love? Is it just something else or just love... Only love, plain love, obsession, all about sex and money and material stuff? If I don't know, who would know then? It can't be love.. can't be. Just something else, but even this way it's just fine. Life goes on, the show must go on too.