October 27, 2015

Broken heart...?

Last week I felt a strange heavy feeling in my chest. I chose to ignore it and hoped it would go away. Then I went to work as normal, did my normal stuff and then the pain was back. I thought I was hungry, so ate a bit, but the pain got no better or worse. Few hours later the pain gets intolerable and I am forced to go to Emergency.
After blood tests, EKG, painkillers and several hours of monitoring, cardiologist walks in and tells me I need to be admitted overnight for more observation. At that time I wasn't in pain, but because my friend was standing next to me I said okay.. reluctantly.
Everything was normal, but the intensity of the pain really scared me, so it was probably best to spend the night in hospital. More blood tests and serial EKG's followed, bad hospital food and a CT Angio next morning. 
The verdict: acid reflux disease and hiatal hernia.
I kind of know about the former, but a hiatal hernia is something totally different. CT angio did not show everything clearly, because there were motion artefacts (me..? Was I moving? Surely not?), but it appears it's not the heart to blame this time.
I'll be doing my homework now and read about the hernia, because I really don't know much about it and more importantly, can it be fixed?

And yes, I know the EKG shows a 1st degree heart block and bradycardia.


October 22, 2015


Strange dream: Shopping mall somewhere in France. There were curious looking posters, which turned out be written in Polish. All of a sudden a dark figure emerges from behind the poster and points a gun at me. I try to escape, but don't get far before the attacker shoots and the bullet hit me in the back... and exits in the front just below the left collarbone. And then.. that was it.
Some would call it a nightmare.

I have to refer to my Dream Interpretation book, which says that I could be interacting with people, who don't have my best interests in mind and that I experience conflicts in my daily life.
Well, damn right, conflicts in some form or another. Daily, weekly. I've learned to live with some of them sometimes with more success, sometimes less.

Another thing: this has also been a week of insults. One of my colleagues are share the sentiment. If it's not an insult aimed at the way you look (Oh man, you look terrible!), it's an indirect insult (For Pete's sake, what are you eating..?? = that's why you look the way you do).
What happened to diversity, acceptance, tolerance? Let everyone live the way they choose.
Besides, people can change. The person, who looked terrible and fat just yesterday, could well be looking awesome tomorrow and you get to eat your words.