January 13, 2016

Someone else messed up this time

Stuff goes missing all the time. It's incredible. My camera, small (?) amount of cash that I exchanged in the bank and lots of other things have mysteriously vanished over the years.
This time an important had gone missing, but I got a replacement. Thanks be to God.
I just wasn't the one who lost it.
Car key has disappeared. I don't have it.
Booklet from the downtown car dealer has gone missing. I've never seen it. It's blue and "surely you have it". Well, what can I say.

I'm trying to wean myself off watching horror movies. They don't really help in my present state of mind. I guess that's one of the reasons why I decided to tidy up at home- because I couldn't cope with the mess anymore and because "stuff" was disappearing. I've replaced horror movies with cartoons and kids' movies. That's a huge leap, yes, but to a better direction (becoming a child again.... looool). I could never watch horror movies/thrillers/scary stuff until I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007. That's when I felt the urge (an obsessive compulsive one) to watch all possible horror movies, from "The Omen" to "The Saw". Some of them were truly frightening, but I never lost a minute of sleep. I wasn't scared. I'm sort of getting back into that "oh I'm scared now" state of mind and it's probably a good idea to find something else to do.

Exercise too... I think my blood pressure has been getting higher and higher. I found lots of useful information in American Heart Association website http://www.heart.org
I have more risk factors I ever realized and it's probably the right time to do something about it.
Of course, when you have to enter your height and weight into the BMI calculator, I don't think it takes into consideration your body type! Its blunt verdict was "OBESE". Yeah, right. My body is not made of just "fat". Anyway as a guideline it's fabulous.

January 07, 2016

Ooops I messed up again

On the New Year's Eve I started tidying up in my apartment. When I finished (not because I wanted to, but I had to, because I was exhausted) three hours later, most of the clutter had gone, the floor was shiny, bed linen had been changed and the kitchen was spotless. No bleach was spared and on the following day I went to the store and bought more cleaning products.
I can't even begin to explain how good it feels to live in a tidy and organized place.
I don't spend hours looking for stuff that has gone missing months ago.
A good start for 2016.

I haven't even messed up too bad at work. Yet. 2016 is still at its beginning.
A colleague accused me of "messing things up": "Listen, you messed up. What's this email about a course you booked and then cancelled it...?" WTF???!!! Messed up?!
Next time, dear colleague, don't get confused and confuse me in the process too. Read the emails. They were course bookings for two separate persons.
So I messed up then?
Next time we speak I'll be sure to emphasize the "messed up" aspect in our conversation.
That left a really bad taste in my mouth and I was about to call her back and say excuse me, check your facts and then pick up the phone.

I left it at that. This time.