November 09, 2006

Party time

Party time, as the title says. We had fun, me opening the gifts and having chicken curry and chocolate fudge cake with some sort of 'wasabi' spice.. If anyone can translate that, it would be much appreciated. And as always I am the palest ghostlike person of all (has my anemia improved at all..?), but I am kind of used to it, and being 'white' does not bother me. Well, at least the picture of me and the cake tells a story of its own! The cake was delicious!
This was my leaving party at Wagamama restaurant in London- it made me realize the time has come and I've got one more day at work- and then my work has been done.. time to move on. Those people who could not make it on this occasion will hopefully join me for another dinner party next week- how often does one have an opportunity to say good bye twice? This was a fun night.. need I say more.

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